
durational performance with rocking chairs, picture frames, sandpaper, gauze, permanent marker, clothespins, string

The duration of each performance is my age at the time of the performance (translated from years to hours).

Citation at CounterPulse in San Francisco, 2017 - Duration: 37-hours

September 22nd 9am - September 23rd 10pm

In Citation I dance with rocking chairs, write on my skin with permanent marker, and use sandpaper to erase the ink. I remain on stage for the entire duration, I do not sleep, eat, or have a timepiece with me. The work channels ghosts. It remembers women artists whose labor remains in the shadows. How should this herstory of performance art surface? How can we remember without re-performing? Citation was formed from these questions.

CounterPulse Photos by Jamie Lyons

Citation at Memorial Auditorium, Stanford University, 2014 - Duration: 34-hours

October 15th 7am - October 16th 5pm

Photos by Stefanie Okuda

Responses to Citation

The audience becomes part of the performance by sitting in chairs, touching my skin,and peering through the askew picture frames. In relation to their bodies, I am always slightly off-balance, somewhat invisible, and slowly orbiting in durational time.

After the 2014 performance, artist Helen Paris of Curious Theater Company (UK) facilitated a talkback with the audience. My skin was on fire. I wanted to laugh with people, had not yet seen the light of day, and tried to answer questions as coherently as possible. I'm thankful for Helen’s witnessing of the work and this collective response to the performance.

All video footage filmed by David Kerr