the desire to contain and the inevitability of rupture

August 19, 2016

duration: 9 hours

location: grüntaler9, for Project Space Festival, Berlin

curated by Teena Lange with Johanna Gilje and performance artists Ilya Noé, Anja Ibsch, Maria F. Scaroni, Stephanie Maher, and Raegan Truax

materials: water, chalk, rubber ducks, rubber boots, table, chairs, chalkboard, microphone, the desire to contain and the inevitability of rupture

Together we track shifts in social weather systems. Together we craft tools and devices that we don’t yet know how to use.

Launching an attempt to navigate shared thought space, this collective performance research endeavors to chart weather patterns of an ethos: devising systems, structures and methods of measurement, which inevitably shift with the weight of their contents.

On the occasion of Project Space Festival Berlin and the launch of her book the desire to contain and the inevitability of rupture, Johanna Gile has invited six artists to manifest a live performative research event that uses the book and its past conversations as navigational instruments, as a system of measurement, and as points of departure into further territories of thought.

Research Notes

Ilya, carrying things with, for tend and tether

Maria, buoyancy, trying hard to get lost

Raegan, upside-down becomes right side up, holding ground, three women soaking

Anja, sharing your 4 dimensionality

Stephanie, psychic residue, shifting shoulders, for rupture

Teena, an extended body part of the space, the kinds of presence the space allows

Kimberly, saturation and vibrancy